Geert Theunissen - Ceramist / Potter

Geert Theunissen was grown up in a typical family of potters. Still, it didn't seem that he would
become a potter. He studied electronics, and then went to work in automation.
Only around forty, he was actively involved with ceramics. He bought a turntable and a kiln, and

His father firing a wood kiln
His father 'feeding' a wood fired kiln in Milsbeek
took two years lessons in throwing. He also studied the technique of glazes through self-study and experimentation.
The first few years he made pottery with red earthenware clay as his father and uncles had always done. In recent years, however, he specializes in stoneware, with an emphasis on working with crystal glazes.

Characteristic for his work is the strong contrast between the forms and the glazes.

His models are clearly inspired by the 'oriental' style as we know from the early chinese dynasties,
and people like Leach and Hamada. These simple classic shapes stand in strong contrast to the crystalline glazes which he developes in an almost scientific way. The glazes are calculated using proprietary computer software, and fired according to a precise schedule in a computer-controlled kiln. The combination of these intriguing glazes with classical forms he has chosen deliberately. Acccording to his opinion, crystalline glazes in combination with complex shapes quickly lead to some kind of competition, which is not a good thing.
Cruystalline glaze - detail of vase
Few ceramists venture into the application of crystal glazes. The technique is difficult, and dropout
rates are high. Because Geert Theunissen does not depend on his ceramics for his livelihood, he can
afford to make what he likes and not let him be led by commercial business aspects.

Besides making his own ceramics, Geert Theunissen is also active on the Internet by providing all kinds
of information about ceramics and pottery. For example, on his website '' you can
find a glaze course and a description of the history of the potters of northern Limburg. Also he
developed a computer program for glaze calculation 'GlazeManager', which can be downloaded from this
website, and may be used by anyone freely.

(The glaze calculation program and the glaze course are in the Dutch language. Het is currently working
on English versions of both. As soon as they are ready, they will published on this website, of course.)